Product documentation
Advanced Field Service - Case Enhancements

In this topic the Case Enhancements will be explained.

Case Enhancements

Complaint, Cause & Solution Codes 

The entities Complaint Code, Cause Code and Solution Code can be used in cases in order to identify a problem and its cause. When a case is resolved the solution for the problem can be entered on tab Diagnostics:


Customer Asset & Agreement Integration

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service does not have an integration with customer assets and agreements in the entity Case. It is important to be able to register cases against a customer asset and an agreement, therefore this integration has been added in the Advanced Field Service solution.

The lookup for field customer asset will only show customer assets for the selected customer in the case. Further, based on the selected customer asset, an agreement will be defaulted (if it has been defined and active for the customer asset). Details of customer asset and agreement are visible on tab Diagnostics.


Customer Location in form Case

If the integration with the solution Customer Location is activated, an extra lookup field will appear in the form Case. Based on the customer for which the case is registered, the lookup will show all customer locations to which the customer is connected to.

Further, based on the customer location the next lookup field Customer Asset will show only those customer assets that are linked to the previous selected customer location. If the customer is cleared and changed, both fields customer location and customer asset will be cleared as well.


Case to Work Order Integration

When a case is converted to a work order, some of the information that has been entered in the case will be updated in the work order as well:



Case to Work Order SLA

There are scenario’s where you would like to have your companies SLA’s being dependent on the work that’s being executed through a work order. The SLA integration Case to Work Order SLA, makes it possible to let the success or failure to uphold your SLA, be dependent on triggers originating from the linked work order.

This functionality introduces three new KPI fields on the case form: Work Order Scheduled, Work Order In Progress and Work Order Completed.

These fields are updated via a workflow when the corresponding work order System Status is reached. That way the SLA information is always visible on the case. When a field on the case is triggered by the workflow, the corresponding timer on the case will also be set to Succeeded or Expired.

The setup for the SLA KPI’s is done through the regular setup of a Service Level Agreement.


Case and Agreement SLA

If a customer asset is part of an agreement, this agreement is active and the agreement has one or more SLA’s defined, then every case logged on this customer asset will automatically inherit the SLA defined for the customer asset from this agreement.

For the explanation of adding SLA’s into an agreement, see section Agreement Enhancements.